Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So much to do...so little time

There is so much to do and what seems like so little time. As one who joined the class later I did not get to meet with my group, the Tech Treckies, at the introductory meeting and as a result missed the first few group meetings online. Our group is an amazing group of five women who do their best to help each other to be sure that we reach our goals, whether they are individual for the class or together as a group. I am so happy to be part of such a wonderful and supportive group. Since I have never used Moodle for a class before it has been interesting learning all of the different nooks and crannies. Just when I think I have figured most or all of them out there is always another surprise. This week my group put together our PowerPoint for chapters 4 and 7. Although it was pretty well put together before I joined the meetings I was happy that I was still able to contribute something to the presentation. I think it came out pretty darn good. After watching the Learning to Change video I was shocked by what I heard. Education ranks #55 well BELOW coal mining in IT intensiveness. How can this be? It was also interesting to think of technology in schools as "the death of education, but the dawn of learning".

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